Monday, March 9, 2009


Since I started very lazy blogging in blogspot. 

Obviously bcos of the small pictures and the not-very-easy to adjust the space.

Many times I've tried to click 'enter' button

But it shows as if I didnt click enter after I publish that post.

So today I googled how to enlarge pictures on blogspot.

Then I found this

They told me that I have to use outside hosting site like flickr or photobucket.


Not to use the photo upload button inside of Blogspot.

The first thing came to my mind :


Why do i need to upload pictures to other websites like flickr or photobucket, then upload it again to blogspot!!!??

Wordpress doesnt require us to do that just to increase our pictures!!

That's what I called MAFANN!!


Anyway i will just upload some pictures that don't have to be BIG.

In case you guys are sick of my 'narsis' photos. Hahaha

I think this is after I came home from Church.

And yes, I've finally found a Church but it's in Chinese.

So the whole service I was confused figuring out what the pastor said.

But not that bad, at least I knew some of the songs they sang that day.

Although I just sang the rhythm n melody, cos I couldnt read Chinese characters -_-.

I've been praying to God to give me a Chinese who can speaks English as a translator.

I love this pic! Look at cece on the bacground!! Hauhauhauaha.

Can you guys tell me honestly... honestly..

Whether I look fatter or thinner in this pic since the last time you guys saw me?

Baby! And yes, she's still with me. Alive and HEALTHY! Hauhauhaa.

Btw I miss everyone! IFGF Sg, GBIK, SYAS, IFGF Indo, TAR-Q. 

Feel like meeting them all. T.T

How 20 yuan looks like.

Ok. Enough about me.


Now it's my mom's turn.

Have I ever said that my mom is A VERY COOL MOM?

I think i did in my previous post in wordpress on her bday. 

You can search it here

And if havent said it, let me say it again here.


How can I forget the moment I just came back from Sg.

And approached my mom in her bedroom. And saw this she's listening to

Erm, since I have an Ipod video. I' wasnt jealous

But then! I saw this and was surprised

She owns this very cool speaker for Ipod that actually charges your Ipod too.

How cool is that!!

Ok honetly. I was jealous. T.T

I asked her whether I can bring it to China. And she said yes I can bring it.

T.T you are so kind mom, i love u.

Unfortunately there's no more space, so I left it with my mom again T.T

Anyway, she's improving her skill of 'gaulness'

Instead of calling me everyday using her handphone.

She now prefers 'chatting' in MSN 

She looks very funny here!! She's polishing her nails with my nail polish.

And not very happy bcos she just relized that the color's not good. Hahahaha silly mom.

Being away from her 2 daughters is not really nice.

Infact she has to be alone while watching some Indo dramas there,

cos my big bro doesnt like any sinetron.

And you guys know what?

She bought a CHIHUAHUA!!!

Arrrrrgghh. I want!!!! Very cute dog!! 

Her/his name is Maxie. Cos he/she is from Mexico.

Yeah I know, my parents sometimes can be very lame.

And I forgot to ask whether Maxie is a female or male.

But I know for sure that Maxie is way more cute and cool then tinkerbell.

Haha take that Paris. 

So yeah.

Maxie gonna be my lil sis/bro. Hope to see you there Max.

And you too mom :)

I miss you.


  1. hah ? gak tuh ka... aku ga ngapload di flickr ato di photobucket.. aku langsung di blogspotnya.. kan ada ikon gambar pemandangan di kolom posting.. itu di klik aja kali ka..

  2. iya itu punya km juga gambar nya kecil2. klo mau yg gede baru harus pake site lain :)
